Legal services
Civil law, family law and labour law
- contracts drafting and review
- legal assessment of contracts
- client representation in civil disputes
- protection of personality rights
- client representation and comprehensive legal counselling:
- drafting of contracts and agreements in the area of real estate (contract of sale, contract on the transfer of ownership of an apartment, deed of gift/agreement, easement agreement, contract of pledge/security agreement, usucaption, lease agreement and sublease agreement)
- settlement of co-ownership
- settlement of joint ownership between spouses
- in the area of family law (divorce, allocation of parental responsibilities, alimony, adoption)
- in the area of labour law (drafting of contracts and agreements of employment, drafting of management agreements, drafting of internal directives, termination of labour-law relationships, labour disputes, damages compensation, preparation of legal analyses, representation at the labour inspectorate)
- in the area of succession law and inheritance procedure
- solving of insurance events/incidents
- establishing and representation of civil society organizations
- comprehensive legal advisory in the area of property law
- debt collection and asserting other client’s rights and claims